What is Business Intelligence?

data visualization

Images from a talk given to colleauges on developing a business intelligence strategy.

Business intelligence is strategically using data to inform decision making.

Step 1: Coordinated data collection and documented datasets

icon of table with metadata fields that read source, title, creator, date, and rights

Step 2: Integrated and centrally housed datasets

icon of table with metadata fields that read source, title, creator, date, and rights

Step 3: Key metrics that are used to answer operations and program questions

icon of table with metadata fields that read source, title, creator, date, and rights

Step 4: Data science and analytics to uncover insights and predict needs

icon of table with metadata fields that read source, title, creator, date, and rights

icon of table with metadata fields that read source, title, creator, date, and rights

Step 5: Automated reports and dashboards that make insights accessible

icon of table with metadata fields that read source, title, creator, date, and rights